Friday, August 12, 2011

Bladder Control ......

Knees trembling, palms sweating, the end grew closer with every breath, Sudhi was sitting right next to our headmistress Nagamani holding his bladder, too scared to get up and ask for a pee break. 

Nagamani with her huge head, bulky body, with a everlasting pissed-off look was our nightmare. She had an extra thumb, a 11 fingered monster striking fear with her mere presence in school. "HM came, HM came !!" was the most dreaded words known to us. Her car with number plate reading MEQ 1740 was the number to lookout for. Wooden scale was her favorite weapon.Wood meeting our knuckles was the most painful experience back then. Fear was just looming around the corner. She could barely move in the corridor without crushing few unsuspecting kids on the way just with her look.

7th std ... public exam had become a nightmare. Pressure mounting everywhere, from morning 8 AM to 12 PM, just one class, with teacher in front rambling on and on about just one subject for 4 hrs while our HM sitting behind on the lookout for her next knuckle victim. BSK(Karthik) mustering all the courage, stood-up like the last samurai, "The One" to break the pattern of pee break rejectees.

"" spoke Bsk with a queering voice to our HM, "  I go to the toilet ??",squealed Bsk, barely holding his pinky finger up. She looked at him with a scent of disgust and snapped at him with a "SIT DOWN !!". One more request shot down the drain, our primary human right to pee violated again. Hope was lost, 4 hrs was too long for anyone to hold on. 

Sudhi was sitting on the last bench, towards the left side corner and to his left sat our HM like a queen with the wooden scale in hand. Sudhi was already neck deep in urgency, bladder full, watery eyed, sitting in silence, with ears turning red. 

I sat on the bench in-front totally unaware of anything while the teacher kept shooting questions at us one after the other. We did our best to dodge from her gaze, eventually getting caught. It was like a war zone.  
"Sudhi  what is the ...... .... .. .. . ?", asked the teacher. Sudhi didn't open his mouth."STAND UP AND ANSWER", growled the teacher irritated. Sudhi didn't respond. He was lost in his own world fighting his inner aquatic demons. 

Sudhi's  inner time bomb was ticking. He was just on the cusp of watery eruption. Another half hour left for lunch. The sands of time was running low. He kept looking at his watch, "Tick Tock, Tick Tock", he was stuck in Limbo. 

HM infuriated to gigantic proportions, threw a cold stare with a ruler in hand.  "GET UP !!!". she roared with her heavy dreaded voice.  Sudhi didn't budge, stood his ground like a hero, doing something that no one in our school had ever done till date, deifying the undefiable. We had finally found "THE ONE". 

I looked down, saw water flowing all over the floor, gushing slowly towards our canvass shoes. 
"What's happening ??",  roared HM, looking at the commotion.
She looked down, looked at Sudhi  "Get up, Go out", she said. He still didn't move an inch. There was a mix of embarrassment, fear and relief on his face. Eventually he walked out concealing his frond-end from the audience around. 
Thanks to SUDHI, since that day on we never had any problems with getting pee breaks.    

"A good deed is like peeing in the pants, everyone knows you did it, but only you can feel its warmth. 


  1. maga nija helu, aa sudhi neene thaane?

  2. this is that school time story u were telling thaaney ?

  3. yes by the way who is this Sheldon Copper ??

  4. ya ya i remember both incidents..incident 1 i was the character and incident 2 sudi was the can one forget those golden days..
