Sunday, March 20, 2011

Inception revisited (Reminiscing True Experience)


DONT JUST READ BUT VISUALIZE.... words will metamorphosize into real world objects.
I was on my way to a ski resort in Switzerland. I had won a ticket to a newly opened ski resort in Switzerland. Sitting by the window as the plane zipped through the air turning the city below into a miniature structure.

  After a long day of buying all the equipment needed to ski the previous night, I was all hyper and exited to ski. It was a small plane with few people seated behind chatting away and a pilot in front as usual.

It was supposedly a 2 hour journey to the destination. I was Listening to "Across the universe" by the Beatles for most part of the journey.  I was addicted to the lyrics. wonderful to visualize and experience the essence of the song. It was a cosmic ballad of sorts with an Indian touch attached.  My pod kept on throwing out the lyrics "Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup ..." and they were flowing through my ears  into my brain endlessly.

The picture outside was very bright, the blue skies above and the mighty Alps below made a colorful combination. The snow-capped mountain stood  there tall and majestic. The ski resort looked magnificent from up there. We were 10 minutes away from landing, just hovering above the landing strip which was on the top of a mountain.

   As we descended below the pilot took us on a trip around the mountain. Flying in between the mountains,  the river flowing below, the sight was breathtaking. We were few  minutes from landing now.  The plane flew above taking position for landing. The landing strip was relatively short in length. We flew closer and closer to the strip and landed with a jerk as the wheels touched the runway. The pilot was not able to apply the brakes and the plane kept moving close to  the edge of the cliff and it leapt from the edge into a free fall. The pilot somehow was able to get the plane under control. We slowly gained  altitude, lucky not to have crashed into the mountains. We took position to land again, this time the pilot reduced the speed of the plane,  it slowly went close to strip but didn't have enough speed to reach the strip and it lost altitude more quickly,  the nervousness grew exponentially, the feeling of death came over in an instant and everyone started panicking and screaming, the plane undershot the runway and crashed into the mighty Alps. Everything went blank.

 I heard the screams again, was I alive? was I dead? I had no clue. I opened my eyes, our car was moving off the road into the barren land to the right. Pradhu kept screaming(Aehhhhhhh) with his weird tone, with an absolute look of panic in his face.  I was totally lost for a second there, what was happening a dream inside a dream ? how is that possible ? I wondered, had never experienced it  before. experiencing extreme high intensity of goosebumps , the hair on my hand standing straight catlike.  The car came to a halt after bumping all over the stones and bushes there. It was a relief. We were all still alive.  

  The timing of the dream was perfect, as the plane crashed in my dream, here in the real word Arun driving the car  lost control,  Arun driving the car  for most part of the night, slept  for a second  and  his hand slipped to the right moving the steering wheel to his right, we drove  into the barren land. Lucky not to have gone left and crashed into other heavy moving machinery . making a "Chuttney" of ourselves. 

 It was very close to the car falling off into the river scene  in the movie  INCEPTION, Prabhu's screaming was the kick here, the only thing missing was the bridge and the river below and a slow motion camera.

 It was a perfect ending to a eventful VEGAS trip with one question looming over my head, "Did I  die in the dream or Prabhu saved my life with the modified kick". I guess I'll never know.

 Are we living in a modified dream world until death or a unknown kick waking us up in a different time, different place, We will have to wait and see the mystery unfold ........    
Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.( Dom Cobb )


  1. Good one...i guess we all get dreams like these..
    I'm surprised u remember ur dream in detail...generally i never remember the complete story of my dream...its just some vague memory for me..but i always remember the ending part of it coz its always kind of a kick which will make me wake up at 3 in the morning :), most of the times the kick will like falling off a cliff or falling of a bike,tripping off while walking... last week it was my F1 car crashing with Alonso's :)....... its wired how Nolan has captured dreams so wonderfully in Inception, especially the kick part its so true....its one thing to have a dream but its completely another to explain that dream...
    Keep writing :)

  2. @srbharadwaj: ooo man u crashed into Alonso, he waz my fav F1 driver until he moved out of Renault.
    True man Nolan is amazing.......

  3. hey, nice one yaar....Now I know...your dream was controlling me..:)
